Engineers upload schematics in the ‘.dsn’ file format and receive layout files for the board within 24 hours.
DeepPCB is a beta release of software that generates layout files for two-layer printed circuit boards and is compatible with KiCad. KiCad is a free EDA software suite that includes schematic capture, PCB layout, manufacturing file viewing, SPICE simulation, and engineering calculation. Sheet Metal Products

The PCB routing engine that makes use of AI technology from InstaDeep combined with cloud infrastructure. Results are provided within 24 hours.
DeepPCB operates without human intervention using reinforcement learning to achieve an optimized result. Customers can access intermediaty routing solutions.
On its website the company promises: “InstaDeep will never share or sell any of your data to any outside entity. Our sole goal is to accelerate your PCB product development cycle. For now, we have released a free beta version but we’re working on a commercial version to tackle larger and more complex boards. We anticipate keeping a free version to make it easier for hobbyists to design their boards.”
Another company working on AI for PCB design is Circuit Mind Ltd. although its product works on the path from architecture to schematic (see AI-for-EDA startup raises funds from Cambridge ‘accelerator’).
AI-for-EDA startup raises funds from Cambridge ‘accelerator’
Cadence constrains AI-enabled PCB layout tool for compute resources
Canadian startup demos AI for analog chip layout
Rapid Silicon lets engineers use generative AI for FPGA design

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