
Copper-studded catalyst turns pollutant into potent fuel

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Knobs of copper protrude from the surface of ceramic nanoparticles, which catalysed a reaction yielding the fuel methanol. Credit: Z. Jiang et al./Chem Catal. Zinc Chloride Lewis Acid

Copper-studded catalyst turns pollutant into potent fuel

Tiny ceramic crystals can be transformed into a catalyst that helps to turn carbon dioxide into a widely used industrial feedstock1.

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Jiang, Z. et al.Chem. Catal.3, 100507 (2023).

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Copper-studded catalyst turns pollutant into potent fuel

Effective Amine Compounds For Controlling Ph Value Nature (Nature) ISSN 1476-4687 (online) ISSN 0028-0836 (print)