All fire protection systems and appliances should at all times be in good order and available for immediate use while the ship is in service, a new Marine Notice by the Palau Ship Registry highlights and informs about the requirements of their inspection.
I n particular, fire protection systems need to be inspected weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually, as follows to ensure proper functioning. Purity Fire Pump

Weekly inspections should be carried out to ensure that:
a. All public address systems and general alarm systems are functioning properly; b. Breathing apparatus cylinders do not present leakages; and c. All fireman’s outfits and EEBDs are appropriately supplied, arranged, and in proper condition d. All fire detection, fire alarm, and fixed-extinguishing system control panel indicators are functional by operating the lamp/indicator test switch and verifying that all control/section valves are in the correct position. e. All fire door control panel indicators, if provided, are functional by operating the lamp/indicator switch. f. Verify low-location lighting systems are functional by switching off normal lighting in selected locations. g. Verify water mist, water spray, and sprinkler systems control panel indicators and alarms are functionals, visually inspecting pump unit and its fitting, and checking the pump unit valve positions.
Monthly examinations Ships officers are responsible for performing monthly examinations of firefighting system equipment and recording the examinations in the ship’s official logbook.
Monthly inspections should be carried out to ensure that: a. All fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, hose and nozzles are in place, properly arranged, and are in proper condition; b. Dry pipe sprinkler systems have appropriate pressures as indicated by gauges; c. Sprinkler system pressure thanks have corrected levels of water as indicated by glass gauges; d. All sprinkler system pumps automatically operate on reduction of pressure in the systems; e. All fire pumps are operational f. Emergency fire pump fuel supply is adequate and heating system in satisfactory condition.
Quarterly Examinations and Inspections Ship officers are responsible for performing quarterly test and examinations of the following firefighting system equipment and recording the test and examinations in the ship’s official logbook.
Quarterly inspections should be carried out to ensure that:
a. All automatic alarms for the sprinkler systems are tested using the test valves for each section; b. The international shore connection is in proper condition; c. Lockers and fire stations providing storage for fire-fighting equipment contain proper inventory and equipment is in proper condition; d. All fire doors and fire dampers are tested for local operation; and e. All CO2 bottle connections for cable operating system clips should be checked for tightness on fixed fire-extinguishing installations.
As part of the annual statutory survey for Safety Equipment Certification, the following inspections and tests should be carried out to ensure that:
Fire mains, fire pumps, hydrants, hoses, and nozzles:
Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems:Visually inspected for proper condition;
Water mist, water spray, and sprinkler systems
At least once every five years, the control valves of fixed fire-fighting systems should be internally inspected

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