WABASHA, Minn. (KTTC) – Wabasha tree farmer, Tom Gosse, has planted more than 50,000 American black walnut trees on his seventy-acre tree farm. Monday morning was his first harvest, and the two trees he is cutting are those near his house.
“Like picking an apple when it is ripe, removing a tree when it is ripe is the way to go, and that’s what it’s all about today,” Gosse explained. Pvc Building Material

One of the two walnut trees he is harvesting is about 100-years-old; it has been around ever since his family moved to the house next to it when he was young. For the other one, he planted the tree when he was seven-years-old and he has taken care of it ever since.
Gosse’s friends said he looked after the tree so much he even did not like squirrels being near it.
The 79-year-old tree he planted will be his first veneer black walnut tree harvest — having a value of roughly $10,000 when marketed.
“Walnut trees are king. They always have been and in the future they always will be. They are prized as to their potential for walnut flooring, cabinets, and material used in the name of furniture.”
Gosse also worked as a soil scientist in the local area for 40 years. He is a firm believer that planting trees are a way of giving back to the community and environment.
He said, “When it comes to the air we breathe, the water we drink, and one of our most precious resources, the soil, there’s nothing that will do a better job of protecting those resources than trees and forestry.”
Monday was a big day for Gosse as the veneer walnut tree harvest is one of the few he will get to see in his lifetime.

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